Religion may not even be for you. Take some time to just breathe. Armageddon isn't coming. You don't need to be saved because you're a sinner. You don't have to believe in God. It's okay to just be you.
I am an atheist and I approve of this message ;-)
Seriously though, David_Jay you never cease to amaze me with your well thought out answers, balanced viewpoints and in-depth knowledge. If only all humans would display the tolerance you spread here...
It's even more amazing considering the shallow, judgmental and black-and-white fire-and-brimstone type of thinking our former cult bestowed upon us.
How did you manage to shed all the narrow thinking? Were you always as wise as I perceive you to be?
Anyways glad to have you (back) on board...
More on-topic: if I were ever to seek out an other religion, it would probably some godless (as in without deity), non-controlling, do-good-to-everbody type of thing. Maybe Buddhism? Or Atheistic or Rationalistic Satanism (not devil worship!)? Or maybe even Unitarian Universialism? But for now I'm just fine without any god, religious creed, church or whatever. If I ever need the company of such a group, I'll contact the Sunday Assembly in my area